Conferences, Workshops and Presentations
UKEXOM, University of Birmingham (April 2024)
Keynote talk: Delivering prebiotic feedstocks to habitable planets
Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe Annual Science Day 2024, Kings College, University of Cambridge (March 2024)
Talk: Delivering prebiotic feedstocks with cometary impacts
From Stardust to Extrasolar Planets: Dynamics of Exoplanetary and Solar System Bodies, CELTA-Cortina ASI Summer School No. 14 (August 2022)
Poster: “The evolution of planetesimals in a post-main-sequence planetary system with a migrating planet” - Poster Prize Winner
National Astronomy Meeting 2022, University of Warwick (July 2022)
Talk: Binary asteroid scattering around white dwarfs
Exoplanets VI, Las Vegas (May 2022)
Poster: “Binary Asteroid Scattering Around White Dwarfs”
Division of Dynamical Astronomy 53, Flatiron Institute (April 2022)
Talk: Binary asteroid scattering around white dwarfs
O-MESS2 VIII, Online Seminar (February 2022)
Talk: “Modelling the origins of white dwarf debris systems”
National Astronomical Meeting 2021, Virtual Meeting (July 2021)
Physics Days at Warwick: Summer workshop on white dwarfs and related objects, Virtual Meeting (July 2021)
SOC member
Division of Dynamical Astronomy 52, Virtual Meeting (May 2021)
UKEXOM, Virtual Meeting (April 2021)
TRiple EvolutioN and DYnamics 3, Virtual Meeting (March 2021)
Exoplanets Demographics, Virtual Meeting (November 2020)
Poster: “Triaxial asteroids as reservoirs for planetary debris around white dwarfs”
Europlanet Science Congress 2020, Virtual Meeting (September-October 2020)
Asteroid Exploration and Exploitation - Stardust-R Global Virtual Workshop I, Virtual Meeting (September 2020)
Division of Dynamical Astronomy Virtual Meeting, Virtual Meeting (August 2020)
Poster talk: “How the breakup of triaxial asteroids generates debris reservoirs for white dwarf pollution”
Exoplanets 3,Virtual Meeting (July 2020)
Poster: “Triaxial asteroids as reservoirs for planetary debris around white dwarfs”
MiR@W Day: The three body problem: Application to Satellites, Planets, and Stars, University of Warwick, UK (March 2020)
South East Exoplanet Meeting, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK (December 2019)
STFC Introductory Course in Astronomy for New Research Students, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (August 2019)